When first approaching the event, I was quite skeptical on the amount of people that would show up. Also, I was hesitant to think that the people would really be there for the community rather than just free food. I imagined a few residents of the community coming for food, and the rest living on with their life probably watching the Saints game. After the event, my perspective has changed. This is a community ridden by unfortunate surroundings, as some do not want to change many others do. Many are striving to make Mid City and safer, better place for their kids and their community as a whole.    My thoughts and beliefs about this community did not affect this experience to a high degree. If it did, it was just the general impression that not that many people cared for change. I think we missed out on a lot of Mid-City residents due to just the Saints game. The Saints represent not just New Orleans but Louisiana as a whole. The Saints show how a struggling city can strive around a team which gives hope and belief that great things can be achieved against all odds. If we could of incorporated the Saints into the event I think the turnout would of been larger. Although, I think the location, how we attacked this problem, and the overall representation of the event was a success.    In this successful event there was much to be taken from it. I believe there is many concerned citizens of Mid-City. Many want a change, many want improvement, but don't have the resources to change it on their own. I think the most important need for the community is work force development. Work force development will help create opportunity for those who haven't been given much opportunity in their life. Most of us fortunate people have had plenty of opportunities surrounded by wonderful outside influences which we have been raised in encouraging us to succeeded. Plenty of these residents haven't had the amount of opportunities the fortunate have had; not mentioning all the terrible outside influences they face every day making success that much harder. Work force development gives them that extra opportunity, that extra chance after all else has failed. Creating better/positive opportunities allows more residents to change creating a better environment. I believe another positive changed would be extracurricular activities for the children. The children now are who shall affect the community in years to come. It makes sense to have extracurricular activities/sports that keeps children off the streets. These streets are filled with crime, drugs, and bad decisions that usually lead to jail or death. Teach the kids the importance of production/productivity. It is them who shall lead their community to a better place in the future.     In conclusion, this is a place that has residents who care and some who don't. Some looking to build a better community, some who look to tear it down on a regular basis. Its outside influences like ourselves that must create the opportunity. The opportunity of change, the presentation of a choice, a choice to make Mid City a better place, a chance to create a strong successful community. As we work forward to a better community we keep in mind this event, we keep in mind the people, and we keep in mind the opportunity for a better place.   

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