Group 4

Proposal 4: MID CITY CANVAS  [ back to entries ]

 Mid-City Canvas is a proposal that engages the community in a functional creative way. After weeks of research and holding an event in which residents and share their thoughts about the community. We see a community that is rich in togetherness and creativity but has no outlets for expression or spaces to convene in. Our proposal provides a creative outlet for the community through a main path that connects to a central gathering space.

Phase One consist of a mixed use building that contains a grocery, cafe, and workforce development. A gathering space lies just south of the cafe which has a path that runs east to west running through the gathering space connecting a housing complex and Mid-City Gardens. The proposed housing complex is a few three bedroom housing units utilized as residences for the workforce development members and administration.

Phase Two consist of expanding the housing complex and creating a community gated complex which encourages safety, interaction, and home ownership. Outside of the gates is a playground and basketball court encouraging safe fun activity among the community. Our propsal is all connected by the main pedestrian path which easily leads you to the grocery/cafe.

Phase Three extends the path east of the site in which we proposed a mixed use building that has retail on bottom facing North St and apartments on top. Along with Mid City Redevelopment Alliance, we thought it was important to bring in new income into the area. The actual apartments sit on the south side of the proposed building which has a new path that engages the users to the gathering space/grocery.


Grocery Floor Plan

Cafe Floor Plan

Workforce Development Floor Plan

Perspective of cafe/grocery/workforce development from North St.

Perspective looking at the gathering space on a Sunday during a Saints game. The gathering space can be utilized as a main place to convene and hold community events. An open green space sits just south of the gathering space allowing kids to enjoy activities while others watch the game.

Section through the gathering space

Perspective from pedestrian path looking at open air produce on any given day.

Three Bedroom Single Housing Unit Plan. South side shading devices and overhangs allow for a sustainable design which allows winter sun in and keeps the harsh summer sun out. The actual program of the unit reflects the vernacular porch culture that already exists in the neighborhood.

Perspective looking at the housing complex. The traditional porch culture is reinforced with a inner courtyard that is gated-in; promoting safe interaction among the neighbors.

Birds eye perspective of playground and basketball court. The playgrounds fence is translucent allowing residents of the housing complex to keep a close eye on their children. The recreational spaces and path are conveniently located making it safe and easy to get to adjacent sites.

Perspective of Pedestrian Path. The path is not only used as the source of circulation, but becomes spaces to gather and express themselves artistically.

Perspective of Retail/Apartment housing. The path is continuous making it easy for outside users to travel from one site to another.

Birds eye perspective that shows the south side of the Retail/Apartment Housing. The pedestrian path becomes a more private path for the apartment tenants. Path conveniently leads to Cafe/Grocery.