homeless 2

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The program for this project was developed through research in three specific areas: food systemshomelessness and housing. Student teams were tasked with assessing community needs, studying precedents and developing a viable program for each of these key components to the project.

Notes on Cafe Reconcile:

The cafe recently reopened 6 months ago, according to the Marketing Events Coordinator, whom we spoke with. Cafe Reconcile is now 13 years old as of September 2013. It is located in an area that was notorious for crime and in a building that's an old furniture store. It was started by three priest that met together in the midst of black market activity that helped to give the area its bad rep. They asked each other how they could help make the area a better place. It was formerly a Sweet Tea’s, and became an avenue for juvenile development as a kid’s cafe giving youngsters a program that taught etiquette, and where they were given the opportunity to help prepare and serve food.

Financially speaking, it is mostly based off of grants. Originally, the program consisted of 6 weeks, however, it is currently a 12 week development program. Which they hope to see grow to 18 weeks(they recognize it takes time).
The main method of advertisement is word of mouth. Program participants are called students, they apply, and then are administered a mental health assessment.

About ⅓ of the selected applicants are very solid individuals all around.
Another ⅓ takes this program as an alternative to the Criminal Justice System.
Also ⅓ take this program as a last resort
So they take the good, the bad, and the worse(so-to-speak) and seek to mold them as individuals fit for the workplace. Their specific goals are to teach how to acquire and maintain employment, and thus reinforce a positive self image and the ability to increase one’s own standard of living.

 “...we remain as committed as ever to ending the cycle of poverty, prejudice, and fear that plagues our city, and we look forward to expanding our services to touch more lives.”-Glen Armantrout, CEO

Cafe Reconcile’s Mission Statement:
"Reconcile New Orleans transforms the lives of young adults and the community through the ministry of reconciliation." -Cafe Reconcile’s Mission Statement

They do this by:

  • Encouraging Personal Growth
  • Providing workforce Development and training
  • Promoting entrepreneurship
  • Working with businesses, nonprofits, and people of faith to support this transformation.

Program Study:

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