We worked very hard in preparation for the event and advertised throughout the neighborhood over several weeks. Even on the day of the event, we walked door to door and knocked on every door in Mid City Gardens to personally invite residents. However, most of the participants were people leaving a church service next door to our site. We did have some residents walk up from the neighborhood, but not as many as I had hoped after we received their confirmation just half an hour earlier.

We were very lucky that the weather did not stop our event but I think that we should have rescheduled around the Saints’ game or advertised that we would have a grand showing of the game, maybe on a projector.

I was disappointed that some of our speakers from the city did not show up to the event. They showed great support leading up to the event and I think they would have benefited from meeting with the community to show their concern for the neighborhood.

I had a great time talking to some of the kids about their interests and school activities. One of the girls talked about all the clubs that she is involved in at DUFRAQ. She was enthusiastic about having more recreational space on our site, but I think that her needs were met at her school as well. Overall, there was mostly positive feedback and interest in our work.

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