Prompt 1: Williams

     Architecture is both the process and product of the planning, designing, and construction of buildings and other structures. Architectural works usually have a primary function of providing a shelter of sorts for people and to function to their needs. This is a very important aspect; however, architectural structures can often be perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. To me, architecture is a combination of both. A structure must not only serve to function for its occupants, but it must also symbolize as a cultural element for the community. It requires the creative manipulation and management of material and technology to achieve this goal.
     I believe that architects are important for a community because they are there to help a society form a connection to the outside world. This connection comes in form of material and structure; building a representative for the community and communicate to others their cultural beliefs through the structure. Not only does the architect connect the community with the surrounding world, but they also connect the community to itself. These built structures are to serve the purpose of benefiting the community and its people. It is the architect’s job to create a space that will gather the residents together and give them the opportunity to connect with one another. The architect is able to form an atmosphere that would allow these interactions to happen. This goes back to the idea that architecture is not just about the construction of a structure, but the planning and designing of the whole event surrounding it.