Prompt #1

Architecture to me is a way of solving problems efficiently and creatively. Architecture should serve the those in need/clients with a solution that makes sense. As architects, we are presented a problem. Along with this problem a client has needs. It is important to attack these needs and problems in a very intellectual way. I believe, along with the problems that the architect is given, their must be an bigger overall goal with each solution. Architecture depending on the project/problem should have an overall ambiance to it. An architect should design in plan, section, and perspective to enhance this ambience. For example, a theater should perform to create an exciting and exhilarating space enhancing the overall experience at that theater. Overall, the architect should create an efficient solution that doesn't forget the initial problems but also enhances the space to which ambience is most appropriate.

How do we enhance the community through the profession of an Architect? First, we should consider the needs of the community aka LISTEN. Second, we should seek to create an efficient design. Efficient in program, solar orientation, materials, circulation, systems, ect. Finally, it is important to create a design that will overall enhance and excel the community. This final step, to me, is something that can have endless solutions. Its important to understand the community and to take a stance on what would improve and transcend the community. Then reflect your stance throughout the design. This in my mind will create such a solution that will be successful.