Prompt No.1 - Architecture To Me Is...

It is noted throughout history that those with the power to create and alter form have been obsessed with dreams of leaving a permanent footprint on history. People want to remember and be remembered. This underlying drive is what separated humans from all other living things. The mere idea of self-awareness, of a question about our existence pushes us to find meaning and fulfill a purpose in life. So why do humans build? What is architecture?
Architecture to me is the process of how we as humans, come to terms with our existence. It is simultaneously the physical embodiment of ourselves and on a meta-level, an opportunity at self exploration and maturation.
So what defines good architecture? What sets architects apart from other professions and prevents others from doing the job of an architect? Architecture always contains more than what is physically perceived. Architects serve the role as the guardians, scale balancers if you will, who tread the line between architecture as a noun and architecture as a verb. In other words, architects must have an intricate understanding of the “mobility, productivity, and life” of the building, no- its construction, in order to successfully design and construct a work to be appreciated and reinterpreted in the future.