The Vitruvian Triad defines the three values upon which all Architecture can be judged, firmitas, utilitas, and venustas: firmness, utility, and beauty. It is an architect's job to create something that will safely stand up, perform a task/provide a suitable space for a certain need, and be aesthetically pleasing. Having these three ideas in mind, the Architect must determine which of these values to highlight, does form trump function? Is the sole purpose of the project productivity. This is where the client must help the design by determining the 'drivers' of the project that will push it in a certain way. 
     In regards to the community, an Architect can have any sort of influence that they wish. Not only through their own pro bono work, but also in regards to the larger context of how their designs fit within the surroundings and being conscious of the communities' wants and needs. In a more active role, the Architect can lend their expertise to city planners, urban designers, and communal designs in order to facilitate a positive change in any community.