There was a lot of work that went in to the Mid City Speaks community event. Weeks of preparation that organized research topics, program layout, and event activities. On multiple occasions, groups of students went into the community and interacted with the residents, getting information from them as well as inviting them to the community event. However, with all of these preparations, I was still afraid that we would not get the turn out we were originally hoping for. Fortunately, our studio’s hard work and motivation surprised me and I can now say that the Mid City Speaks event was a success.

Nothing ever turns out exactly how you plan it. That was proven when we arrived at the site and had to change the program to accommodate for the stormy weather. Many would think that since we were already disorganized before the event even started, the event itself wasn’t going to be much better. That was again proven wrong with the rush of people who join us after Sunday church. It was originally thought that a majority of the community would come to the event from New Sunlight Baptist, but that also did not go according to plan. It was great to see people come out to the community and socialize while also helping us collect research. I was happy that they were interested in the work we have been doing and they want to see the community improve. That was the purpose of the community event and that is why it was a success.

Although Mid City Speaks was a great event, there is always room for improvement. At one point, the event became just a buffet, which was okay because everyone was having fun, but we could have been better at directing people to interact with the community boards. We also could have interacted with people more at the tables and held conversations with them. I feel like this would have been better than just giving them a paper to fill out. Still, we learned what the neighborhood really wanted: workforce development, community garden and non housing developments. We also heard the stress in the need to stop crime in the area. The community was very interested in their future in the area and wanted to work with us to make their hopes into reality. I would say that the event was a success and exceeded my expectation.

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