Before the event, I believed that the event was going to be low in attendance and we would not get enough feedback on the project and the improvements needed in the community. Despite the belief that a tropical storm/depression was going to hit Louisiana over the weekend, people showed up and we were able to get an ample amount of responses. My preconceived notions about the event did not affect my experience, because I was going into the event with the mindset that I was going to get as much information from the people in the community as I can. I planned on getting that information no matter how many people showed up to the event. If I could change anything about the event, I would have a better-organized plan. People were just sitting around waiting for something to happen and did not know how everything went. Once everything was done, we were just sitting there waiting. I would also have asked the speakers to come earlier; so, the people of the community could have heard what they would have had to say pertaining to our project and Mid City in general. Overall, Mid City Speaks was a successful event and the city loved that we were out their trying to improve the hardships and miscommunication that is Mid City.
     Overall, I learned that the neighborhood is focused on the children and the miscommunications of the community. They need a place to gather and figure out the problems of the community. They also need a place for the children to gather; somewhat like an aftercare program that teaches the children certain skill sets:  art, sports, life in general, etc. The primary concerns of the people of the community are drawn towards the amount of crime and drug use in the community. They would like a safe place, where they can freely walk the streets and their children can safely play in the yard outside. I feel that the most important lesson for the community is that they need to put focus on building their morals and the community interaction in general. There they will be able to face the problems the community faces everyday together. Then, the community will become whole and will be able to grow to its full potential. Overall, the community needs to improve on the communication/interaction between them, but on the other hand, they seem like they are willing to improve and voice their opinion on any topic at hand.
     In the future, I would like to see more work in the community and less work on the blog. The two schools seem like they are the only people using the blog (except for that one person that responded to the history’s questions). More interaction would allow for more feedback and maybe more problems could be addressed or even solved. 

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