Overall, the Mid City Speaks event was a success.  Our boards got more feedback and attention from the residents and we also had the opportunity to speak to people in various stages of life.  Though the event did not last as long as planned, I enjoyed talking to the residents and seeing my classmates interact with the community.  This studio has been a great experience to research and interact with the people that will be affected by our designs for the area.  This experience has been a great learning opportunity for everyone mostly in regards to enlisting real feedback to incorporate into the design phase.
     Prior to Mid City Speaks, I hoped that many of the residents that we interacted with would come to the event.  Planning and advertising the event was a huge learning experience for everyone and I think my classmates have learned a lot about engaging people effectively.  The event could have benefitted from more interaction in the community, prior to the event, especially right before the event.  Had we focused more on fun aspects like music and entertainment, I think that more people may have come and stayed longer.
      During my visits to the site to interview residents I learned that the people have many concerns.  Most of the concerns center around the safety and future of the community, especially in regards to the children.  Many residents expressed a need for recreational spaces and programs for children, to promote a safe and happy upbringing.  I think that a community engagement center is the most important thing for the neighborhood so that they can help each other and encourage each other.  I truly believe that for this neighborhood to bring in more businesses and residents, the community needs to establish a bond that supports one another as well as the community.  I learned that the residents are very accepting of change and positive additions to the community.  The people are very passionate about their children and hope that Mid City will be a better environment to raise kids.  I think that instead of individual community engagement events, the area needs monthly or annual community events to effectively engage the community.     

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