Mid City Speaks relfection

Before the event, I was anxious about the turnout we would get (especially with the weather conditions); however, a good number of people showed up and appeared to really enjoy the event. I think once people started showing up, my preconceived notions evolved and didn't really affect my experience of the event itself. I'm not sure I would change anything about the event except having the speakers come sooner, so more people would have heard them speak.
I learned that there are a lot more children than i anticipated. I also learned that the majority of the people who showed up to the event were very religious. I think the neighborhood could really benefit from an increase in positive and constructive activities for kids to participate in. This would relieve some of the stress on parents and improve the futures of their children. The community seemed to be rather well socialized, lots of people interacting on sidewalks and porches. One of the negative aspects would be the lack of awareness and education in the community, making it more difficult logically convince residents to be on board with changes to the neighborhoods fabric. I think in the future it will be important to gather more information on the needs of the youth population as well as parenting practices.

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