Overall, I personally think the engagement event was a success, because we were able to speak with church members and resident of the area. Before the engagement event, I was afraid the community would not want to participate in the event because of security issue around the site, and the residents don’t know what to expect from the event. Even though most of the residents did not show up to the event, they saw our survey boards around Mid City. They voiced their concerns about the community indirectly through the boards. I really enjoyed the different styles of expressions on the boards, because they showed the character of the community.

Most of their concerns were about children’s daycare or after school activity. They wanted a secure place where children can play safe.

During my interviews with the residents, I notice many of children were playing in the road, and a program for children at our site would be a positive contribution to the place. Also I noticed children around the neighborhood like to see fun activities in their site. Most of children were very excited to see us there, and they were sad that we left. Last, many of the residents want a community garden in the area, because it would help shape the community in a way that it teaches someone responsibility of life.

After the engagement, I realized that having better housing on the site does not make the neighborhood a better place, but an educational program such as work redevelopment workshop would help. In this way, residents in the neighborhood could use this opportunity to find a job. One thing I would do differently is to have a multiple events so people around the area can get used to us being there.

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