Group 2

Proposal 2: BRICE PROMENADE  [ back to entries ]

Brice Promenade is a new pedestrian road between North Blvd. and America St. repurposed into active public space. The Promenade offers an alluring break from vehicular traffic as users have the opportunity to engage in an urbanized street linking a new program for Mid City to the neighborhood.

The Hub, a fresh market grocery and café centered on workforce development, serves the residents of Mid City as a social condenser and presents Brice Promenade to passersby on North Blvd.

Brice Promenade is a socially interactive road in which moments of intersection bring relationships between residents and Hub users to the forefront.

Brice Promenade Farmers' Market

In St. Vincent de Paul’s effort to curb homelessness by addressing unemployment, the now vacant site of Romano’s grocery will be utilized to serve residents of Mid City. The Hub will provide a source of food, work, and gathering spaces for learning and recreation.

These areas of overlapping program create an environment for diverse communities to interact.

North Blvd Entrance of Brice Promenade

The Hub announces Mid City to passersby driving on North Boulevard. The well lit porch entrance is easily accessible from the street and encourages traffic to observe the activity within the Market. The Hub remains a safe and welcoming building throughout the day.

Urban Theater and Cafe

The weekend farmers' market serves as a magnet in the neighborhood and allows local farmers and residents to sell and trade fresh produce. The urban theater will show movies and stage performances from local artists, allowing for entertainment after hours.

Louvers of the south facing facade of the Hub are operable and will be closed to project movies. Cafe seating spills out onto Brice Promenade.

Urban Housing and Courtyard

While the urbanization of Brice Promenade will greatly benefit Mid City, the architectural design aims to fit into the context of the surrounding neighborhood. Townhouse apartments with rich views of the Park and Promenade sit adjacent to America St. and S. 17th St. residences.

Housing Plans

With balconies facing the Courtyard and porches on either entrance, residents feel connected to their neighbors and the existing community.

The Hub is a mulitpurpose building with fresh market grocery store, cafe, and classrooms for work training and events. The Hub provides new opportunities to work in the service industry with on-the-job training in the market café. Workrooms are accessible for seminars relating to the job application and progression in varying fields. A collapsable wall between the two classrooms allows for a large event space for the community.

Mid City is considered a food desert as there is no fresh produce sold within walking distance of the neighborhood. In an effort to encourage healthy cooking, the market will feature a recipe corner with arrangements of groceries needed to make nutritious meals.

The pavement of North Blvd. runs through the common space to create a strong Promenade access to the center of the Hub. The grand porch serves as the north entrance to the Market.

The perimeter of the building is glazed for maximum visibility between the Hub users and those walking along Brice Promenade. This visibility allows parents to see their children playing in the Water Playground adjacent to the Hub. The southern walls are protected from the sun with louvers that retain the users visibility to the outside.

A wall of storefront doors open onto Brice Promenade allowing the Cafe seating to spill out onto the pedestrian street. Cafe users have a clear view of the Water Playground activity. Adjacent to the Playground is the Urban Theater, a terraced garden with views directed at the southern wall of the Hub. The operable southern louvers of the Hub close to create a large smooth surface for projecting films.

The Hub is designed to create maximum visibility and openness so as to encourage community members to become fully engaged in the many services provided.

Grand Porch on North Blvd.

Cafe seating spills out onto Brice Promenade

Elevated Classrooms for Workforce Development shaded by Louvers

Communities are strengthened through shared goals and although the job market is competitive, workforce training can serve many who are unemployed or in need of development.

As neighbors become more aware of the needs and goals of those around them, support for the Market Café will come directly from the Mid City community in addition to other Baton Rouge citizens.

Brice Promenade celebrates the existing character of the neighborhood while creating opportunities for the community to become involved in planning the future of Mid City.

Mid City Market on Brice Promenade
