homelessness responses

engagement Sunlight Baptist Church Family and Youth center One Stop Corner Store

community input     site     program     history     funding     logistics

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS aim to help teach skills that aid in finding and retaining jobs. These programs focus on making the individuals lives better rather than solely enhancing a business. They have strong ties to the community that rely on commitment to the program from all involved for these connections to remain intact.

Individuals who go through workforce development programs benefit from them in many ways. First and foremost, they will get help being placed in jobs where they receive employee benefits. With job security, many needs are met, whether they are social, physiological, security- or self-actualization-related. These important factors change lives for the better in terms of improved interpersonal relationships, financial security, health management, decision making and personal development.

The map below is intended to serve as an aid to the homeless in finding shelters and vital resources. Hard copies are available at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 220 St. Vincent de Paul Drive. To view a printable version the homeless map aid, click here

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