J.Ross...My definition of Architecture...

  Architecture is a field that has been designed to touch almost every aspect of everything we do in our day to day lives. I think there is almost no way of escaping some form of what the Architecture field has given to what exists today. Also, based upon what an Architect's job description is, there is no way for an Architect to do anything but serve a community. If an Architect can serve any and every community then that Architect has truly lived up to his or her professional description. Architects solve problems and the Architecture they create provides the pattern for every generation to live by or improve upon. 
   In every job that I know of that is given to an Architect, there is some part that will always directly or indirectly touch a community. Lets just say the job is for the Architect to create a building for a business, that building has no choice but to promote the economic gain of any person affiliated with it. That includes the construction of the building, the maintenance of the building, and more noticeably the business services the establishment provides by its existence. Then those gains will in turn be shared among the other business and members of the communities that are touched in society. Even when there is a home made for a particular person or set of people, that home has no choice but to add to the cultural pool that the community and the region it's in have already established. Or it can even be set as an example or standard among them all.